Using GameObjects and Prefabs– Unity Tutorial

In last tutorial, we discussed about unity interface. In this article, we will see how to use GameObject and prefabs in a unity application.


Every object that you see in the game is a GameObject. It is the fundamental object in unity. You can find all the GameObject in the hierarchy window. GameObjects can have parent child relationship as we saw in last article.

GameObject Components

Alone GameObjects are nothing but the empty container, but when you will add components to the GameObjects, it will add functionalities to them. By default, there may be some components attached to your GameObjects. You can see all the components of a GameObject in the Inspector window.

When you will create a new project in unity then by default there will be two GameObjects in the hierarchy window.

  • Main Camera: Controls view of Game Window. What the camera will see, the end user will see the same.
  • Directional Light: Provides light in any particular direction

Using GameObjects and Prefabs - 1

Select any one of the GameObject in the hierarchy window then you can see the attached components in the Inspector window. Select Main Camera and check its components:

Using GameObjects and Prefabs - MainCameraInsector

Disable Component

To disable any component, uncheck the checkbox located at top left of the component, as shown in above image (1. Uncheck to disable component). If any component is disabled, it will be attached to the GameObject but its functionality will not render in the scene.

Remove Component

To remove any component, click on the icon located at top right of the component, as shown in above image (2. Click to remove component). On Click, following list will be displayed. Click on the Remove Component.


Add Component

Click on the Add Component button to add more components. On click, a component list will be displayed.


You can also drag and drop items from assets folder to inspector window to add component for any GameObject.

Transform Component

Every GameObject will have Transform component. You cannot remove transform component from a GameObject. Transform component is having three rows:

  • Position: Change the position of the GameObject.
  • Rotation: Change the rotation of GameObject.
  • Scale: Change the size of the GameObject.

You can also transform the GameObject using transform tools with mouse buttons.

Change GameObject Properties using Inspector

Inspector window also allows you to disable and rename the GameObject along with other features.

Rename GameObject

Rename the text box located at top of the Inspector and hit Enter to change the name of the GameObject.

Name - edited

Disable GameObject from Hierarchy

Uncheck the top left checkbox in inspector window to disable GameObject from hierarchy window.


Static GameObject

Static GameObject will not move at play time. These are non-moving GameObjects.


Change Tag of GameObject

A tag is simply a string that can be used to reference one or more GameObjects in the scene. You can group a type of GameObject with one tag like all the enemy GameObjects in your game can be tagged as ENEMY tag. Change the tag of a GameObject using Tag dropdown in inspector window.


Change Layer of GameObject

Layer controls the rendering priority of GameObject in the scene. Change the layer of a GameObject using Layer dropdown in inspector window. You can refer my Layer Mask tutorial to know more about Layers.


Create a GameObject

Primitive GameObjects

Primitive GameObjects can be created directly in the unity. Cube, Capsule, Sphere, Cylinder, Plane and quad are the example of primitive 3D GameObjects. You can use these GameObjects for testing purpose or any other requirement. You can check details about them over here.

Right click in hierarchy window to create primitive GameObjects.


You can also click on “Create” button in hierarchy window.


Create Parent-Child Relationship

You can create parent child relationship using GameObjects. Drag and drop one GameObject to another to make it as the child of the another GameObject.



The prefab allows you to store a GameObject with all its components and properties. Once a prefab is created the GameObject can be reused multiple times across the scene and the projects.

Create a Prefab

Create Prefab by selecting Assets -> Create -> Prefab or Right Click to Assets folder in Project window -> Create -> Prefab. Drag and drop a GameObject from hierarchy to this newly created prefab.


You can also create prefab by directly by dragging and dropping GameObject from hierarchy window to the project window.


All the child GameObjects will be automatically included in the prefab.

Add prefab to scene as GameObject

Drag and drop prefab from project window (Asset Folder) to hierarchy to instantiate prefab as the GameObject in the scene. You can instantiate same prefab multiple times in a scene.


Edit Prefab

Select the prefab and you will see all of its properties and components in the Inspector. Modify them upon your requirement, but all the modification will also reflect on already instantiated GameObjects.


Edit Prefab in the Scene

If you edit the GameObject (added by prefab) in the scene, it will not edit the prefab by default. But, if we want to reflect the same change in the prefab then click on apply button in the prefab section of inspector window after selecting the GameObject.

Empty GameObject

You can also create empty GameObject in the hierarchy just like Cube and other GameObjects. It will only have Transform component. It is mostly used to create the parent of the multiple GameObjects.

Hope you get an idea about GameObjects and prefabs in unity application. Post your comments for queries and feedback. Thanks for reading.



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Gyanendu Shekhar is a technology enthusiast. He loves to learn new technologies. His area of interest includes Microsoft technologies, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, unity3d and android development.

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Gyanendu Shekhar

Gyanendu Shekhar is a technology enthusiast. He loves to learn new technologies. His area of interest includes Microsoft technologies, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, unity3d and android development.

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